My awesome big brother Codey is in Ju-jutsu and he's so good! He can flip people and sweep kick them and block punches and and and and and it's just SO cool! We go to his practices every Tuesday and Thursday in Hilliard and his teacher Mr. Bo Kimly is I think a grand master at this thing. He has a special belt that's like higher than a black belt! There are lots of people in Codey's class that he's made friends with. Mommy and Daddy go to watch him and I take notes :o) Then later in the evening I try out in Mommy's tummy what I learned in class hehehehe. Mommy says you can definitely tell that me and Codey are brother and sister! I'm learning chops and kicks and sweep kicks in here so when I come out, me and Codey can play!!!! Now that I'm getting bigger Mommy can feel them really good...or bad....depending on how you look er feel it hehehehe. Mommy will add some pictures of Codey from class here below.
Then my beautiful big sissy Alyssa has some cool news too! She made it into an Ohio beauty pagent. Who says looks can't get you what you want? She get's everything :o) Of course because she's really pretty. Mommy and Daddy don't have any pictures right now but Codey said he would get us some this weekend. So stay tuned!!!!
What else has been going on....Oh yeah ME! I'm what's going on :o) I'm growing like a weed says Mommy. I am now 1 and a half pounds and about 9 inches from head to rear-end. I got's veins and blood and my lungs are just about completely developed and my nose holes are going to open soon so I can practice breathing motions and....Well I better start a new sentence huh? Ok where was I? Oh yea, I'm doing all this growing and all this moving and Mommy is growing and doing moving too! I guess since I'm growing and adding weight to Mommy, her back is feeling it. Never fear though, Daddy's here! He was SOOOO nice to Mommy and went and bought her a super-mega-delux heating pad. It has 4 settings, can heat with moisture and has an automatice shut off thingy that stops the heat after an hour. No to mention, this thing is big! It cover's Mommy's whole back. Isn't Daddy the greatest? He sure is. And speaking of Daddy and his infinite coolness and goodness to Mommy, with her growing belly guess what happened? She can't reach her toes!!! She can't even tie her shoes! Guess who came to the rescue again? If you guessed Under Dog you guessed wrong. If you guessed Super Daddy, you guessed right! Mommy was having a sad day because she wanted her toe nails pink for summer and so Daddy said he would paint them for her! Then out of no where Codey said he would help too! So there she was, Codey painting her left foot and Daddy painting her right one. They sure do spoil her that's for sure....I hope they don't forget about me and spoil me when I get there. Mommy has a picture of what a great job they did below.
Here are Mother's Day pics too! Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommy's out there!
Mommy, Mamaw and Daddy
What else did we do? Think.....think.....think......*lightbulb*!!! Ah ha! Yeah, we went to Kentucky to see grandpa Burel! That's right! He's not feeling good so Mommy and Daddy went to go see him and as always anything with them is an adventure! Mommy and Daddy took a Friday off from work and drove 4 hours to see grandpa. It took 4 hours because Mommy had to go to the bathroom and stop and eat. She blamed me for it but I don't see how it's my fault. She said something about me having it out for her bladder since that's the only thing I keep kicking. I don't know what a "bladder" is but what ever the thing is that's squishy under my feet feels nice to kick a squishy ball. Maybe that's her "bladder"? Then she blamed me for having to eat since I was causing acid-reflux. Look, I don't know nothing about this "acid-reflux" stuff but I'm HUNGRY! Growing babies need lots of food to grow and if that causes this "acid-reflux" thing then I guess it's her alarm clock to let her know that I need to eat. Can't help it. Anyway, so they made it to the hotel to check in and met up with Mamaw and Papaw Ratliff (Daddy's Mommy and Daddy) and they went to Mamaw's sister Birdie's house to hang out with them for a few minutes. Hi Aunt Birdie!!!!!! Papaw and Larry and Daddy played mandolin, guitar and banjo and Mommy, Mamaw and Aunt Birdie sang. They all had a great time. Me? I was taking it all in and enjoying it. Very nice serenade. Then when it started getting late, Mommy, Daddy, Mamaw and Papaw left to go visit grandpa Burel in the hospital. He was happy to see us. Mommy got to meet more of Daddy's family and they laughed and had a nice time. Then Daddy's cousin Michelle invited us over for pizza dinner. We got to meet her very nice husband John too! Michelle and John took Mommy and Daddy out to their basketball court and played for a while then Mommy and Michelle went inside and talked FOREVER! And Daddy and John talked outside FOREVER! Before they knew it, it was 11:30 and Mommy and Daddy had to leave. They were sad to leave but they had to because they had to get up at 5am to get ready to go back to Ohio for Daddy's cousin Tina's wedding. So on Saturday morning, they got up early and went back. It was a beautiful wedding. Then Mommy and Daddy got home and turned on the tv and Daddy said let's go see Iron Man! So, off they went. It was such a COOL movie! Flying and crashing and kidnapping and rockets, and things blow up and and and and it was SO COOL!
Well, they have recovered and are semi-normal though, I don't think they were ever normal so that doesn't say much for me :o) Oh yeah, Mommy is also going to post pictures of my room! It's coming together so nicely. Uncle Derek and Aunt Dina gave Mommy and Daddy the dresser. Then Mommy and Daddy found a crib to match for cheap and then a matching changing table for only $40 bucks! They are cool pieces!
I'm getting sleepy so, I guess I'll let you all go......I'll be back tomorrow though and give an update of what Mommy's doctor says. Hey only 15 more weeks or so till I get here! I hope you're all ready! Love you!!!!!! Good Night.....****snore!!!!!***
Mommy and Michelle //////Mommy, Daddy, Michelle and John

Daddy hanging out on the couch//////Mamaw and Aunt Birdie and Papaw on the side

Daddy and grandpa Burel ////// Mommy's Step Mommy Vicky, Mommy and Grandpa