This is a picture of me & Kev while it was just us last Saturday night. Many thanks to my stellar awesome in-laws for watching Gracie!!!
Ok, now this next picture is of me & one of my new loves, Cherry Hot Chocolate courtesy of Bob Evans. I <3 Bob Evans and when I saw this yummy new drink, I knew the following 2 things needed to happen. 1. I HAD to order it. 2. I had to sacrifice my hate of having my pic taken so that you may see the yummyness that is Cherry Hot Chocolate. I hope it's worth it because at least for me it was. This was so delicious especially since I live in Ohio & it's about 0 degrees out. Now that I have you inspired, please go to Bob's & get yourself one!
This next set of pictures is of Gracie. By now ya'll should know she's my bestest little buddy in the whole wide world besides her being my daughter. The whole series of pictures started off with me just wanting to take one of Gracie in her "Pih, pih" pjs. Poor thing can't get the guh sound out but she can say "Gee Gee". I have no idea what "Gee Gee" is, but she smiles when she says it and that makes me smile. Back to the story. So, I wanted to take her pic to include in my thank you card to my grandma who did another rock start job on our Christmas gifts this year. Yes, I know it's the end of January but better late with Thanks than never right? I mean my grandma has 5 kids, their spouses, 9 grand kids, some of them have spouses, Codey, Alyssa and now Gracie. That woman has it going on! She always gets everyone awesome stuff so much thanks is needed to go her way. She's the most giving person I have ever met or have had the priviledge of meeting. I just wish I could see her more. Again, back to the story. For Christmas, grandma got Gracie a bunch of stuff but her favorite thing are these piggy pj's. I have no idea why....well, it's probably because they are just so darn cute! Gracie will walk around the house saying "Pih Pih!" dragging her piggy pjs like they are her Linus blanket. Then if she doesn't like what she's wearing, she will strip down to her diaper and try her deadlevel best to get those jammies on. She talks to them, takes them everywhere AND when she doesn't have them, she point to her toes because there are piggy faces on the feet of these beloved jammies and will say "Pih pih!". In the end, these truly are her favorite thing to wear. Which leads me to why more than one picture is taken. If you are blessed with children you will know that in their early childhood through...well through most all of their childhood, kids don't like to sit still. They explore. Annnnnnnd that bring me back to the story. Instead of just taking one picture for grandma, we took a whole bunch showing her Gracie's adventures with Pih Pih. I hope she enjoyed them and I hope you do too!
Random pics of me and Gracie in the snow for the first time. She loves her trees, I think she may grow up, at least at this point, to be a forrest ranger. She loved Smokey the Bear and the fair and is OBSESSED to say it lightly with trees. Anyhoo, when we went outside, she had the screaming desire, literally screamed, to go brush off all 8 of our trees out front. Yay for the trees. I'm sure felt so much better :)
These are the goodies that Gracie and I baked last night for my peeps at work. Banana Nut-less Muffins individually wrapped. They were good :)
Have a wonderful Friday!!!