It's been forever since I’ve posted. Life’s been going by like crazy! When does the merry-go-round stop? I have no idea. What have we been up to? Lots! Let’s see, it’s been since January since I posted which makes it 8 months. Wow! Well, Gracie’s huge, she talks all the time, sleeps in a toddler bed and loves to be a girl. Codey’s in 10th grade, is 6’1 and wears a size 11 shoe. Jolly Tan Giant! I say tan because the boy is D-A-R-K. His summer was spent at marching band practice, home band camp and away band camp. School for him started 2 weeks ago and his football team won their first game. This Friday is his first home game that he marches at. I am SUPER excited to take Gracie to her first football game. She’s totally ready to say “Go! Go! GO!” What a ham. I can't believe Codey made the snare line his Sophomore year. The boy's got talent.
SpongeBob is Gracie's new favorite cartoon. It used to be Yo-Gabba-Gabba but not so much now. All the time it’s all about “Bob-Bob!”.
Not much is new with Kevin. Still preaching, still teaching, still an amazing hubby! Some days I don’t know how he puts up with my crazyness! Me, I'm completely submerged in Gracie's 2nd birthday party. Currently our house has fallen to the way side of her 2nd birthday party. Yes, cardboard has taken over again. This year the theme is Dress Up. Yay! Boa’s, belts, necklaces, bracelets, glitter face gel, nail polish and pink pink PINK! The colors if you couldn’t tell are going to be pink and brown. There’s a cardboard playhouse completely wallpapered on the inside, and of course fabulously pink painted. There’s a cardboard beauty parlor built, painted pink, glitter sprayed and wall papered inside as well. There are 12 pink cardboard purses made to line the driveway and up the walkway. Cardboard 2 and 3 foot pink purses, cardboard 2 ½ foot number 2’s, cardboard 6 ½ foot tall people to hold happy birthday banners on the garage. If you couldn’t tell, I L-O-V-E making things out of cardboard hee hee!
I really wanted her party to be special and Kev reminds me daily how overboard I’ve gone. But tell me this, would you go over board too if you waited 25 years to FINALLY have your baby you’ve always dreamed of, especially after a miscarriage??? I answered YES! She is my angel from above and I’ll do anything to make her day special because of how special she is to me. Now, are Codey’s birthday’s as cardboard-y? Nah. He’s a teen boy. They just want music, food and friends. This year I told him he could have a pitfire hot dog roast with all of his band buddy’s coming over. And the more I think about it, the more my creative side is SCREAMING at me, do something ANYWAY! What do you think? Should I? I’m thinking yes. It’s his 16th and I only have 1 step son and it’s a good thing because he’s my favorite step son hee hee. So don’t tell Kev or Codey but…I think we’ll have something special for him too!
Back to Gracie’s party for now. I am just swooning over the dress I found at the thrift store this weekend. I wanted something very frilly and little girl but more modern looking and I found a 3-4 tired cotton frill dress from Children’s Place in white no less for $4! I scoured it to see if there were stains…not a one! The mom that had it before me is my kind of gal. Stain free, white frill dress…for a 2 year old?!?! I wish I could meet her! It’s just beautiful. It doesn’t even look worn! I can’t wait to post pics. Then I found a wonderful idea for a rosette hair pin for her and her girl friends to wear. Now to sneak to the basement and find some material…So what are boys going to do at a dress up party for a girl??? Well, those little dapper dudes need dress up stuff too. Thrift store to the rescue. I found men’s bow ties there in red, black and gold. I bought 2 black, 1 red and 1 gold. Then out of heavy felt I made little cuff looking pieces for them to put “cuff links” on in silver glitter glue. I also found dress shirts for them to dress up in. And, what dress up party is complete without a picture booth? There will be a picture area for each little one to get their “glamour-shots” done after then get all dress up. Oh! And don’t forget food and candy…I can’t wait!
A Soft Blue & Neutral Nursery Reveal
2 days ago
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Time for an update! I wanna know more!
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