Thursday, January 31, 2008


Kevin & Audrea @ Christmas Party for church

Audrea & Kevin on Christmas at Grandma Cranes

The Ratliff cousins on Christmas Eve at Carl and Patty's.

Kevin and Audrea on Christmas Eve.

Tony, Stacy, Abby and Meghan with Santa. (Our Cousins's and BFF's)

Kevin, Audrea, Alyssa and Codey with Santa.

Alyssa and Codey at the zoo for the lights display.

Audrea and Kevin at the zoo for the lights display.

Audrea, Kevin and Codey for Thanksgiving.

Audrea and Kevin at the Chiller.

January 31st, 2008 Our first entry

Hi all! Well, I decided that we should try a new website domain so everyone could see the pictures that I post. So, how is everyone? Us, well, we're doing great! Kevin and I found out recently that we are pregnant! (again!) I am farther along than I was the last time now that I am 9 weeks. We are very excited and very thankful that the Lord has blessed us. The unofficial due date is September 11th. But I am not sure it will come on that date. I think it will be more like the 14th. I guess when we get closer we can all take guesses and see who comes the closest :o) We recently moved to a new church that needed our help. They only had 1 preacher and no assistant pastor so Kevin was asked to come preach there each Sunday night. I love our new church! It's Old Time Freewill Baptist Church off from 23. Well, not too much else happening. Here are some cool pics. Enjoy! Much Love!-Audrea

Only this many more days!

Lilypie Maternity tickers